Clomid questions!!

Jessica • Married 💏 2014 — 🧒🏻 2000 — 👱🏻‍♀️ 2004 — 👱🏻‍♀️ 2009 — 👼🏻 + 👼🏻 2018 — 🌈 🤰🏻due 12/6/20 — 41yo and 50yo DH

As it turns out I’m not ovulating every month. I know I do sometimes because I got pregnant in feb; which ended in mc at 5 weeks. We waited a cycle then started trying again, which was last month, but I didn’t ovulate then. Figured that out when I got my period during my fertile window. 🙄Depo really screwed up my progesterone levels. My OBGyn prescribed Clomid which I’ll start after next period. BUT that didn’t stop us from trying this month, just in case! At any rate, I have no clue how to use Clomid, do we start TTC after I finish taking it? When will I ovulate? How often should we try, and for how long? I’m clueless. 😭 Maybe I should go back to the pharmacy and ask them these questions, lol. But I’d love to hear other’s experiences.