Spotting and cramps week after period please help 😫

Anna 🥀🌙 • {25}SAHW 💍❤️ Pregnant with my Rainbow EDD 08-18-2025 🌈👼🏻✨ PCOS 💙

According to glow I’m not supposed to be ovulating for 9 more days and I’ve been off my period for over a week it was lighter than usual and the fifth day I was just spotting like I am now . I had faint line pregnancy tests before this recent af but my doctor told me I most likely had a chemical pregnancy and told me to go home and rest I haven’t taken a test since , could I possibly be pregnant or could it just be early ovulation spotting I’ve never experienced spotting unless I’m ovulating or my period is ending , please help . I’ve also been having sharp pains in my pubic bone area and felt like bubbles/ spasms in my lower abdomen they are as painful as menstrual cramps but don’t feel the same , id really appreciate any opinions 🙌

Ps : I don’t have to wear a pad with this spotting it’s just when I wipe

Update: it’s just brown now no red or pink