39+1 ... evening primrose oil?

Chelsea • Baby 3 due Dec ‘22. Mom of 2 boys 💙

I just had my my appointment yesterday and I’m still at 1cm dilated and 50-70% effaced (been this way since 36 weeks)... i am wondering if it’s even worth trying EPO at this point or if it’s too late to make a difference.

I’ve been eating dates regularly since 35 weeks and drinking raspberry leaf tea my whole 3rd trimester. Baby is in position and his head is super low in my pelvis but I just don’t seem to be making any progress!

My husband and I finally had sex again today (it’s been a couple months) but unfortunately we have to use condoms because he went to Mexico for a friend’s wedding earlier this year and we don’t want to take our chances with Zika virus. At least we can take advantage of the oxytocin boost and hopefully loosen things up but we can’t benefit from the softening properties of his semen ☹️

I’m about to go do some more walking and bouncing on the yoga ball. Anxiously awaiting labor to get started!

If anyone has any advice, I’m open to ideas. I’ve read mixed things about EPO and how it may or may not be safe during pregnancy. Is it worth a try this late in the game?