Why does it feel like someone has their finger in my belly button?!


Something strange is going on. Last October I conceived my first child with my boyfriend of 4 years. A few days after we found out we were expecting I miscarried my child at 7 weeks. It was a horrible experience. We are by no means actively trying to conceive but of it happens we will be extremely happy. We had unprotected sex the day I believe to have ovulated. However I was predicted to ovulate the day before but my period has been a few days late recently. During sex we did use lube and I know that can slow down sperm immensely. I am now 6 to 7 dpo and it feels like I have a finger in my belly button constantly. It sounds dumb but I cant shake the feeling that it may be the tugging or pulling feeling other expecting mommas talked about in their belly button. With my first pregnancy I had twinges in my stomach, sore breasts, horrible pregnancy brain, some nausea, implantstion bleeding, back pain, exhaustion and frequent urniation. This time (if I'm pregnant) I am feeling really mild cramps, this unexplainable feeling in my belly button, frequent urination, back pain, my uterus feels full it that makes sense and exhaustion. Thats it. I know they say every pregnancy is different. Could I be expecting my rainbow baby?