Needing prayers, please!


I went for my first ultrasound last Tuesday and the baby was measuring 6 weeks 3 days with a heart rate of 129. Everything was going well then on Friday evening I got a sudden sharp pain in my lower right abdomen and Saturday afternoon I had a tiny bit of red and pink spotting. It stopped right away, though, so I wasn't too concerned about the spotting but the pain I was worried about. I was thinking perhaps an ovarian cyst so I called my ob on Monday and they told me the spotting was normal. I asked about the pain because I remember something similar happening the last time I miscarried. They scheduled me to come in this morning. I went in and they did an ultrasound. The doctor said that the baby is measuring where it is supposed to be but they couldn't find a heartbeat. I haven't had any other signs of a miscarriage, so I'm praying for a miracle. We haven't told many people, yet, so I'm turning to all of you wonderful supportive people of the Glow community to ask you to pray that God grant me the miracle that this baby will still be born healthy or, if that's not His will, that He grant me the strength and serenity to make it through this process again. I need to be strong for the daughter I already have that's the light of my life and I pray that I will be able to give her a sibling. Thank you in advance for your prayers. Baby dust and sticky beans for all of you!