AF, MC or BFP?!?


Help Ladies! Sorry if TMI!

AF was due Sunday( in all honesty I wasn't expecting it to come. Was feeling VERY pregnant) , but on Saturday I started spotting lightly brownish/ pinkish discharge. It got a bit heavier on Sunday and a little bit more red but then tapered back to brown spotting by Tuesday. At this point of course I was thinking implantation or breakthrough pregnancy bleed as my period is NEVER early sometimes late but not early. Tuesday night I had a tiny little greyish clot(this made me think possibly early M/C) when I wiped but other than that no clots and only light, brown spotting. I took a HPT Tuesday night which I swore had a faint positive but couldn't tell. I took another HPT with FMU at 5am on Wednesday which came up with a faint but definite line. I then took another test at 11am that morning which also had a definite (but fainter than FMU ) line.

I have still felt pregnant and have only had slight dull cramping. This is nothing like my previous pregnancies which both ended in M/C's (both previous miscarriages were the same. Heavy, painful bleeding with LOTS of clots and grey tissue) I took another HPT today at 2pm but was inconclusive(same as first HPT I took) I am going to take another with my FMU tomorrow just wondering if anyone has experienced similar and ended up with their rainbow baby? 🙏🏻🤞🏻