Low weight


My LO is a couple weeks over 7 months. She weighed 13 pounds 13 ounces at her 6 month weight check. They weren’t happy with the weight, so they wanted me to bring her back at 7 months to see if she gained. She dropped 5 ounces. Her pediatrician wants me to bring her back in 2 weeks (which will be next week) to see if she’s gained after advising me to give her three meals a day with cereal. He also said I can try supplementing with formula. If she hasn’t gained, he wants to have failure to thrive blood work done, and I can’t imagine her going through that!

How much do your 7 month olds weigh? She was 6 pounds 14 ounces at birth.

Also, I’ve tried giving formula but she will not take it! Any tips? She’s completely stopped breastfeeding off my left side which may be the problem?