IVF, finally have a start date!

Portia 💛 • 7 years ttc #1, 1st FET 30/01/19 = BFN 2nd FET 24/03/19 - BFN 3rd FET 08/07/19 = BFN 4th FET 14/11/19 = BFN 5th FET 22/03/20 = BFN

So I finally have a timetable and dates for my first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> fresh cycle!

I have been told I need to start Buserelin on 24th June, then got first scan booked 11th July (which I believe is when I have to start Bemfola), a second scan on 20th July and egg retrieval will be week of 23rd July! I’m so excited, it’s starting to feel so real! 4 weeks and I can get this rollercoaster back on the tracks.

Does anyone have experience with these drugs? I’ve never seen anyone mention Bemfola, it’s normally Menopur or Gonal F.

Any insight into what to expect or any tips with anything wud be greatly appreaciated! Xx