Overly Emotional


Any other moms on here getting really emotional as the infant year comes to an end? The manager at my local Starbucks was saying how fast this year has gone and how she can't believe B is almost one (yes I go too often, no judging) Guys... I started to cry! In the middle of Starbucks. Trying to order my frappuccino. 😳

I struggled so intensely through Brayden's first couple months. I put so much pressure on myself, I didn't get to enjoy him while he was new. It's the biggest regret of my life. I wish I could do it over.

Now, the babyhood is ending and I am shattered. It's gone so fast. I'm so proud of the sweet, silly, fiercely independent, and mischievous little boy he's growing into, but I am struggling with the knowledge that in just a couple weeks my baby won't be a baby anymore!

How are you guys feeling as the year comes to an end?

Pic because... he's just so big!