Stefan Bailey has finally arrived!


Well that was one long labor!

Wednesday morning I had a NST. No contractions, no signs of labor, no cervical progression.

Wednesday night, out of nowhere about 9pm, started feeling crampy, thought it was nothing, but then had about 5 bowel movements. Next thing I know, about 11, I start getting really hot in my face through them, and they get way more intense. By 12, I am in the bathtub at home, timing them, and they are 5 minutes apart.

I get to the hospital around 1am, where they check me. I am dilated to a 3-4! I am checked in, and told I need to rest until morning.

7am, I finally am able to start moving around, and I get a nice labor room with a tub. My contractions are increasing in strength, and I sit in the tub for hours upon hours. They check me at 1pm, and I am a 6! They break my water.I continue to labor, when all of a sudden I get epic back pain, shooting through my spine. I bounce on the birth ball and get back in the tub for another few hours. 4pm, I am still a 6, but 80% effaced. A new doctor is on board now, who is already pushing for pitocin, and csection as they say he is “sunny side up” and not progressing. I decline. Against my judgement, the dr orders the lowest dose of pitocin and does not tell me. I find out at 7pm. I am livid. The dr is now telling me that csection may be imminent. I decline again. She wants to start pushing pitocin, hard and fast. At this point I have already labored for 24 hours and I am exhausted. I get the epidural, and allow them to pump me full of pitocin. By 1am I have finally gotten to a 7-8. Dr is still pushing csection due to baby looking up. I ask for other options and am tilted alternating directions every hour. By 5 am, I am at a 9.5. By 6am I am at 10cm, 100% effaced, feeling urges to push. I push a couple times and babies head moves to a +2 position. I have no more urges to push, so they allow me to labor down for an hour. Finally , at 8am, I start pushing again, and the urge does not stop. 51 minutes of pushing, and out he comes! Beautiful and crying and perfect. No tears. 36 hours of labor later