Over a month my boobs have been hurting bad. To the point I can’t sleep. I went to the doctor and she told me I might have just pulled something. So I didn’t think anything from it. She put me on a anti depressant. Chang some of my medications. I got to day 12 missed period. I started having weird discharge. Just thought my period was coming early. Wore a tampon while I was at work. Nothing happened... days go by still no period. I told myself somethings just throwing me off. Like my new medications. I felt a little different for a while now. I just didn’t want a negative pregnancy test. This morning which would be a full 12 days of no period. I decided last minute I’d take a pregnancy test. I really didn’t want too. Well, I put the test down. I was just watching it as time was going slow as ever. The second my pee hit the other side of the test. A second line showed up. I sat down for a second and started to cry. I ran onto my boyfriend and shook him awake. I was like, IM PREGNANT! He looked at me like OMG. I told him to come to the bathroom. I showed him the best. Bam, we hugged for a good five minutes. He looked so happy!

As his sons in the living room clueless what’s to come. Last night, I was giving my boyfriends 6 year old a bath. He looks over at me and says. I want a baby brother or sister. Which melted my heart! I told my boyfriend about what his son had said. We just giggled away from it.

I take a bunch of medications. So my first problem is the doctors office is closed till Tuesday. Which means I have to wait for my answer.

As for right now. My boyfriend told me to take another test later today. Just to be on the safe side of things.

My first pregnancy ♥️