Christina • Baby James Jr is born ❤️ 10/30/18 ❤️ 10:16 AM • 16.9 inches long • 3 pounds 14 ounces 👶🏾

Ladies! I am so thrilled! I have been using this app for a while now and was constantly temping, tracking/logging, trying all sorts of fertility teas and supplements and NOTHING was working. I abandoned this app around March 12th or so because I was so discouraged and had nearly just accepted I would NEVER get my BFP. I missed my period in April, but I am SO irregular I just ignored it. I turned 20 on May 7th and just didn’t feel up for anything, I was exhausted. My parents took me out to eat and I just felt nauseous but assumed it was because I was hungry. Then another symptom I had was sore nipples. I’ve never had this before but just ignored it and thought my period was coming soon. I started a new job where all I do is content moderation and sitting at the computer, even though this is the most exciting job I’ve ever had was literally putting me to sleep! I noticed I just felt different and life was just going so well for me I thought it was just me being happy because everything just seems perfect and I’m so in love with my boyfriend when I usually want to kill him 😭😂💀 The final hint for me was feeling so sick one day I thought I had the flu. My mom asked me to test and I said no because I wasn’t. So later on she put the thought in my head and I went and bought one EPT from Walmart and did not expect anything, I took the test and literally as I was pulling up the timer on my phone to set for the wait time it was ALREADY POSITIVE! I literally could not believe it and I know about blue dye tests so I bought two more and the same thing!

I had an appointment with my OB and I am definitely pregnant! If tracked correctly I should be about 9-10 weeks! I get to see my little peanut in two weeks! Thank you guys for all of the support in this journey and I can’t wait to venture on this new one!