He just told me to nap to get rid of the cranky...


I'm tired. All the time. Today though, I have been on a mission to make my dirty ass old house into a live-able home. It's just so grubby and I hate it. We spent the best part of 90 minutes cleaning our room and rearranging furniture... We started with our room so I could have a nap this afternoon as man I can't sleep overnight. Husband started moving slower and slower and I got moody. Of course I got moody. I was being deprived of my bed when I needed it most! I was scrubbing the window ledges clearing the mildew, mumbling to myself and snivelling a little as I was exhausted enough to cry. Husband came up behind me and told me to go to bed and get rid of the cranky... He said I obviously need it as I was as moody as a hungry tired toddler. I followed instructions, but I am lying in bed anxious and unable to sleep as my house still isn't fucking clean!!! I swear if my hormones get any worse I will be breathing fire.