I can’t stand it anymore

My boyfriend will ask me to make food. Of course I say yes and start making it. I tell him when it’s going to be done. Then when it’s ready, he’s busy doing something else. Then when he finally eats it HE COMPLAINS THAT ITS COLD!!

So today, he asks me to make breakfast. I say, it’ll be done in 7 minutes. So he goes outside to work on his truck. I go out and say come eat it’s going to get cold. And he says “I’m working on my truck”. Then I go in and wait maybe 10 minutes, trying to keep it warm (it can’t go back in the oven because it’ll over cook). So I go out and say “maybe you should take a break, it’s getting cold and you always complain” then comes inside and starts MAKING FUN OF ME, saying “oh it’s luke warm” “I wanted it in the freezer”. And crap like that. Following me around and just saying stuff like that.

I can’t win!!