Dog knew before I did...


So me and my newly fiancé have been ttc for over a year now. Like so many I tracked and built my hopes up month after month till finally I couldn’t take no more, I deleted this app, stopped tracking, went back to the gym and started eating healthy, focusing on me and my partner. This past week I had been feeling tired, not wanting to eat, very dizzy at times, moody and even sick, not even the fact I was late gave me any clue. I couldn’t understand why my dog was so clingy and not wanting anyone near me. It wasn’t until Wednesday I was basically told to do and low and behold it was positive straight away, no waiting. Safe to say i was shocked and couldn’t believe it, taken 5 in total and all positive. Currently 7 weeks and 5 days according to this app. We were all set to attended the fertility clinic next month too. Please don’t give up hope, I know it’s hard and soul destroying to see those negatives. Just relax, enjoy life and you will be blessed with that baby you’ve be so longing for. Never lose hope that one day it will happen to you.