Discouraged - but following God’s plan.

Lauren • Happily married - crazy plant lady - dog mommy - child of nature 🌿 - miscarriage sept 2018 - natural and holistic approach to pregnancy and conceiving ✌🏼🙏🏼

I am spotting, I am cramping. The usual dark place I go to every time I get my period is looming over me. The urge to binge eat, binge shop, binge everything is clawing it’s way into my head, but this time it will be different.

I have made a promise to myself that I will stick to my diet. I have made a promise to myself that I will not give up or lose hope, and will look at the positive side - I ovulated with no medication, and the letrozole gave me three great follicles.

God has a funny place in this I think, my body just isn’t ready this month to bear a healthy child and I am blessed enough to know that it will happen when it is ready. I am blessed because I am on the road to healing myself internally and hormonally. I want to do this as natural as I can. I am a firm believer in herbs and using what has been created for us naturally to help me on this journey.

Don’t lose hope ladies. If your feeling like the dark place is looming over you like it is me, youtube god and fertility. Research. Pray. Heal. We can do this.