My perfect induction!

Olivia • Mommy to a baby boy 💙

Now that my sons almost 3 months old I want to tell my birth story! I had an amazing pregnancy, no issues, no weight gain, everything was perfect! My doctor told me she’ll induce me if I wanted, and I was so anxious I chose to! Starting at 37 weeks she stripped my membranes, then did so at my 38th and 39th week appointments and nothing! So we scheduled my induction on my due date, March 8th, 2018. I woke up that morning so excited and called the hospital to check if they were ready and of course it was too full so they had me come in the 9th at 4 pm. I get to the hospital, all checked in at 4:30 and they start me on pitocin. Then after about 30 minutes they come in and tell me they’re taking me off pitocin because there short staffed and didn’t want me going into labor yet 🙄 so I just chill till about 10:30 pm when my nurse comes in and inserts a cervadil. She said it shouldn’t do much but progress me and get me ready for pitocin in the morning (I was 4cm 80% effaced when the cervadil was inserted). Well my boyfriend went to bed and all the family went home till morning, nurse said she’d take the cervadil out at 10:30 am. Well by about 2 am the contractions really started and I was begging for the epidural, they told me they didn’t want to give me anything until I was closer so they just had me wait. By 5:30 I was nearly screaming and crying from the contractions so they checked me and I was at an 8! My boyfriend called my mom to come and they finally ordered the epidural. I got the epidural put in which was pain free and great! Mom got there around 6:30 am and held my hand as they gave me more epidural. The contractions turned from pain to SERIOUS pressure. Pressure so bad I would cry. I HAD to push! They told me not to over and over again and it was incredibly difficult. Then my water broke. They checked me again and at 7:50ish I was ready to push. I pushed nearly pain free and my baby boy was born at 8:26 am on Saturday March 10th, 2018 at 6 pounds 13 oz, 19 inches long! Baby had the cord wrapped around his neck 4 times! No one knew as baby’s heart rate was perfectly fine, dr got it unwrapped asap thankfully! It totally worked out for me to be induced, I had family come from out of town and it went perfectly!

Two hours after he was born

Three weeks old

The other day, 11 weeks old! 💙💙