Restless Arms & Legs


Is anyone else having it as bad as me? I just wanna know I'm not alone! I've had RLS for several years and I'm only 25. It sucks! Before though, distraction always helped ... scroll thru my phone, read stories, play solitaire, don't think about it - and I could ignore it & fall asleep. But now, I'm 33 weeks, and it's gotten bad. I know I need to buy a heating pad tomorrow to start putting on my legs or arms because heat realllly does help when it's bad like this, but for tonight, ugh, it's just driving me crazy. And it's different than it was before pregnancy too, it's not the same feeling. It used to be like just an annoying need to move. Now, it's like itching beneath my skin. Plus, I freaking have some itchy spots from the sun, & bug bites, so that doesn't help. Benadryl itch cream does not fix the RLS, obviously lol. Who else is suffering with me lol