3 day old & night time fussiness


It’s early but this is what our day looks like (feeding on demand but making sure she feeds at least every 3 hours).

During the day...

Feed, change diaper if needed, put in crib (she sleeps for 50mins-2hours) then when she cries we take her out. If she is rooting we feed her... if she isn’t we hold her & attempt to play with her until her next feeding.

Early evening... cluster feedings happen and we try to maintain similar schedule to above

Night time - we have not been able to set her down and have her be content at all.

Since night 2 baby has been super fussy in the late afternoons and throughout the night. Baby is very easy going during the daylight hours. Baby cluster feeds during these hours which is fine, however, every time we go to put baby down (baby seems fast asleep just as we would during the day after a feeding) the baby is very very unsettled - she opens her eyes up and screams/cries and the only thing that we’ve been able to do is just hold her on our chests with a soother- however this isn’t sustainable - baby & us missing out on hours of sleep. We’ve tried ruling out options... no dirty diaper, she’s been fed & offered both breasts etc. I’m wondering if it’s gas? We have tried to pat her back and tummy massage- what else can we do? I know I’ve seen it’s the “witching hour” but I’m worried we are doing something wrong. Is our routine incorrect?