Is my husband over reacting?

I honestly feel that he is. I 'apparently' kept mentioning a male coworker all week. The only things I can remember mentioning is that a friend of his has cancer and something about a speeding fine (similar to what I got, hence I mentioned it). My husband blew his lid when I brought him up with a female coworker over the whole Yanny/ Lourel debate. He strongly implied that I was going outside our marriage, etc. First of all this guy is a baby, spends most of his time talking to me asking advice on this girl he's interested in. We've never hung out outside of work, don't talk outside of work things, we are not friends.

You know when you child is telling you about their day and they mention their friends like you know them? That's what I do. My husband does the same thing. I hear so much about Rachel and Mike and and and. Met Rachel one, never met Mike, never met Anne who he constantly mentions as well. But when I do it it's a problem.

I've apologized, said I understand his point of view (I really don't though) but he will not drop it. His hypocrisy is mind blowing because I caught him having an emotional affair TWICE with a woman he never ever mentioned. So I thought he'd be grateful that I spoke to him about my day and coworkers and stuff. He never has a fit like this when I talk about my female coworkers, and in our 15 years together I've never strayed.

Last night we fought so much, he went to watch the Champions League without me, I stayed at home and spent my Saturday night crying. Not the first time I've done that either. I had to call his friend like a psycho to find out when he was coming home because it was 02:00 and he wasn't answering his phone.

He refuses counselling, says you can't fix what's always been broken and whenever he messes up I'm supposed to just 'give him a break' and forget about it. Like this morning he tries to hug me while I'm cleaning and says he's tired of fighting. Well sorry Sir, I'm tired of being accused of shit when YOU are the one who has messed up before. Not me.

Sigh. Thanks for the rant.