
Has anybody had a vinegar smell along with a flood of cm and found out you were pregnant? currently 11 days late, symptoms, but negative tests (except for 2 questionable ones ) . my SO wanted to bd so my pants came off and he said "you smell different " I said what do you mean? he said your vagina smells different, kinda like a sweet vinegar but it's not bad at all or strong or anything . I've had a flood of cm all day and I've never had this "vinegar" smell before...could it possibly be an uncommon sign of pregnancy? has anybody experienced this? and no , I don't have a uti or any kind of infections either , had my yearly a couple days ago and everything came back normal and no infections !!! so I'm not gonna need to go get checked ! let me just throw that out there since people on here are so judgemental and love to bash people and make them feel dirty !