Baby girl arrives! 39 + 1 day Induction


I started have contractions earlier in week before getting Induced on the weekend. I didn’t know I was being induced until Friday (she was born on Saturday) I was at my 39 week check up and my blood pressure had gotten fairly high in the beginning of the week, also my amniotic Fluid was at a normal low so doctor said for an induction. Went in Saturday morning and at 12:00 doctor broke my water, things really took off from there! I started having contraction consistently 5-7min apart but we’re tolerable, by 2:30 I was having full on true labour contractions. But my chest was getting really tight and painful, even just as much as the contractions. They were starting to get uncomfortable, so I sucked gas n air back like it was my day job! Around 4:00pm contractions were one on top of another and asked for an epidural. During the hour of waiting I got two shots of morphine and it did nothing for me. I had the epidural in, the nurse checked me and I was already at 8cm! I couldn’t believe I had gone that far so fast! An hour later and 20 mins of pushing my baby girl was here!! Due to my high blood pressure my body definitely wanted her out. Being induced was the right choice for me. First baby and only a 7 hr labour and she’s a perfect lil bean!!