Am I over reacting?

I’m getting annoyed with my partner today, he spent around 5 hours at his friends last night to watch the football and I barely heard from him (totally fine,’don’t have a problem with that at all) but today all he’s doing is sitting on his phone playing stupid games, and I’m out this evening for a meal with my friends. It’s like with other people he doesn’t go on his phone but with me that’s all he does 😕 I’m 5 and a half months pregnant so maybe I’m just being overly mardy, I haven’t started an argument about it or anything it’s just annoying. I don’t care that I don’t hear from him when he’s out, clearly the football and his friend got his full attention I’d just appreciate the same courtesy when it’s just us two ☹️ especially when this is our last few months ever of it being just us two