My dad just ran over two baby bunnies with some tractor equipmentšŸ˜“help!!!


We would take them to the vet but they are none open on Sundays around here itā€™s a small town. One of the bunnies in the left of the pic has a broken back leg and a huge gash In his stomach. The other baby bunny doesnā€™t have any external injuries but canā€™t breathe very well and they are neither one moving around too much. Dad said he could go ahead and put them out of their misery but Iā€™m gonna try to get help first!šŸ˜«

Edit * bunny with internal injury didnā€™t make it but other bunny is seeming alright and sucking out of the dropper only while he is sleeping in my hand close to me and Ig he thinks itā€™s his mama Bc when he wakes up he goes wild. But while heā€™s sleeping heā€™s calm and will eat out of dropper

Update** Iā€™m taking phineas (baby rabbit) to the vet right now. He still seems to be doing well and he is eating well and lovey.

Update*** took him to the vet and he said all of the wounds should heal nicely, just keep them clean with betadine and he wrapped up his back leg and put a stint. He said he should be fine as long as heā€™s eating good, which he is. He have him an antibiotic shot and a pain killer shot and said to bring him back in about a week to check his leg again!

šŸ˜my dad with phineas. He feels horrible about the incident

*for those asking for new pics