(UPDATE) I still can’t believe this is happening... PCOS Struggles

Mrs. B

Update #2:

I started bleeding today and my HCG level dropped from 30 to 2... 😢 even though that the ER doctor couldn’t say for sure if I was having a MC/Chemical Pregnancy, he just asked me to follow up with my OB tomorrow 😐😶 I’m sure I’m experiencing a MC/Chemical Pregnancy because of the bleeding. I have no cramping or pain whatsoever just bleeding lightly but my HCG level being at 2 I’m sure I have no chance that this pregnancy is viable. This is my second MC so all I have left to do is pray for a miracle healthy rainbow baby and keep trying. I know that everything happens for a reason and that God will soon bless me with a healthy pregnancy and a precious rainbow bundle of joy. Prayers to all of you out there struggling through this journey and BabyDust to all of you!🙏🏼 #DoNotGiveUp

Persistence is always the key to success and God’s timing is always perfect & miracles happen if you have faith!

This is so hard but I’m full of faith, I leave it all in God’s hands, I know that God will make it right soon. 🙏🏼



I was not able to see my doctor yesterday but I did get my blood drawn... I received my results today electronically but I haven’t been able to talk to my doctor yet until tomorrow. My HCG level is at 30 and my Progesterone level is at 14.15. I’m even more nervous and worried at this point since my hcg level is so low... I’m praying for my levels to go up and for a healthy pregnancy 🙏🏼


PCOS and pregnant! Is this even possible....? 😱 could I be at risk for taking the Medroxyprogesterone Pill??? 🤭 idk what to think right now and my doctor won’t be in the office until Tuesday.... 😐

I did a round of Clomid last cycle, my last period induced by Medroxyprogesterone was on 04/09 and my progesterone leven came back at 0.15> on 04/30/18, my doctor started me on a 5 day of Medroxyprogesterone to start my period since AF didn’t show up for May. I took a pregnancy test on 05/14 just to make sure before starting the Medroxyprogesterone Pill and it was a BFN. I took the pill from 5/14-5/18. I called my doctor on 5/24 to let him know that AF didn’t show yet and I was asked to wait until Tuesday cause it could take 7-10 days after the last pill for AF to show up. But today I’ve been feeling super tired and I’ve been having small dizzy spells here and there so this morning I thought I would take a pregnancy test just for my own peace of mind and was totally expecting a BFN but I was surprised by this...

First I took the Clearblue since that’s all I had handy this morning... but I have heard of a lot of people that don’t trust Clearblue so I went to the store and got the 2pack of the first response got home and even though it was not FMU I decided to take them because I just couldn’t wait until morrow morning and this is what I got... I’m just praying that this is real and that this is a sticky bean. 🙏🏼 I had a miscarriage on 11/17/17 and my baby would have been due 06/29/18... I’m just praying and trying not to get so excited until I see my doctor on Tuesday... 😬BabyDust to all of you!