Not what I expected but my beautiful little girl ❤
Due date came and went on 23rd. Had an appointment 25th where I was told I was 2cm and had a sweep. Lots of bleeding and cramps the rest of that day. Woke up on 26th at 5am with contractions about every 5-7 mins apart and after 2 hours decided to go to the hospital. They monitored me and examined me and said I was more like 3 now but cervix though soft was still thick and to go back if things got worse. Sent home with codeine which did nothing for my contractions which were getting more painful and stronger. Went home until about 4.30 pm by which point I was screaming through the pains. Went back to the hospital and they said I was still 3 but cervix was shorter and paper thin. I refused to leave and told them I needed stronger pain relief. They said they'd get me pethadine and keep me there. By 8.30 pm I'd still had no pethadine and was screaming through contractions. They examined me again and said I was a good 4. Then suddenly pops! My waters went and I mean gushed. From there contractions got more painful and I was given pethadine and gas and air inbetween throwing up from the pain. I'd always said I wouldn't have an epidural, however, I was having all the labour in my back and decided I needed it. By 1am I was dilated to 7 and by 5am I was dilated to 10 and told to start pushing an hour later. We started pushing at 6.10 and by 7.30 they told me baby was far too high up and combined with a temperature I had and baby's heart rate rising they wanted to do a c section- my worst nightmare! I cried and was so frustrated with my body by this point. But at 8.14 I had a successful c section and my beautiful girl Charlotte was born 😍 totally worth it! ❤

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.