
Alright so like... I just got my phone back and lately Ive been texting my bf on snapchat and sending him pics and stuff. He got kind of annoyed and asked why I kept using snap so I stopped. Then I sent a screenshot to my friend and he asked why I took a screenshot and what it was of. So I told him and he’s like β€œI think we should go on break, bye” and we legit had a β€œbreak” a few days ago. And honestly our β€œbreaks” arent even that bad. We legit just need space cuz we talk 24/7 like I dont leave the house and neither does he unless he goes to work lol. So we’re always on facetime.

Anyways so I asked him why he needed a break and he told me he’s been stressed and blah blah blah and we’ve been arguing a lot lately and he doesnt wanna deal with anyone, he’s tired of everything.

So I asked if we could talk later and he said he just wanted to be alone. But then πŸ˜‘ fucking his friends girlfriend sent me a snap of her bf and my bf play fighting at the damn amusement park. Like wtf!? I thought he said he wanted to be alone πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’ (we are long distance so no, I couldn’t join)

Honestly I want to cry but at the same time Im like β€œNah fuck you. You don’t deserve my tears” Im just so mad.

Pray for me that I don’t reply right away if he texts me.

Also it makes me kind of sad cuz like, bitch I dont have any friends. Ive been homeschooled for 7 years. The only friend I have are his friends and another girl he doesn’t know but shes long distance too.

And shes my closest friend (who I sent the screenshots to) so it makes me sad that he’s out having fun and Im just stuck in my house all day with a family I hate. And he doesnt even want me to go back to school cuz then we’d have less time to talk and he fucking thinks Ill like some other guy πŸ™„ and my closest friend was out with her friends so I couldn’t even talk to her.