

So I've had lots of pain for a month or so like cramping sometimes stabbing or sharp pains in my lower abdominal area and vaginal area. I went to the doctor and I'm not pregnant, and he said I don't have any STDs or stis other than the hsv I've had for years that wouldn't cause that. He did an ultrasound and blood work, everything came back normal. Only thing left to think of that might be wrong with me is I might have endometriosis but he said he doesn't think that's it since I have the pain all the time not just during my period. He said that I can do a surgery to find out if I have endometriosis where they stick a camera in my belly button. I don't know if I should or not. I want to know what is wrong with me. This pain is awful. I cant move certain ways, sit, have sex, do lots of stuff. What do you guys think?