How do I tell my boyfriend I want to go back to school?


Okay so Ive been homeschooled since 4th grade and next year Im going to be a junior. So Im 16 now and my boyfriend is 18. This year he decided to be homeschooled too cuz 1, he hates everyone, 2 he didnt do his homework so they put him in special ed when in reality his IQ is higher than average, and 3 he wanted to work so we can have a better future together.

So anyways we’ve talked about me going to school again and he doesn’t like the idea. He kinda just wants me all to himself and he doesn’t trust that I wont fall for someone else or something. Plus since we are long distance he said he doesn’t want us to have even less time to talk.

Idk like if I bring it up again he’ll just be like “We’ve talked about this already! I don’t want you going back. We wont be able to talk as much.” And all that shit.

I keep telling him Im not going back cuz Ive been fine all these years in “solitude” lmao. But its only now that Im starting to realize that I want to be around more people, I want friends. If you read my last post I said how he was out with his friends and Im just home by myself doing nothing.

I know Im going to get comments about how he’s “controlling” but he’s not like that all the time and no Im not breaking up with him lol. I just want to start making my own decisions now, while Im still a teenager. Instead of always having to “compromise” or discuss it together with him.

So any ideas on how to tell him I want to go back..?