What do you guys think about this? Help!

So my boyfriend and I have been dating for a while (16 months) and just recently we had a fallout. (We are not together rn but we will be soon)

(I broke up with him because there were some rumors that he was cheating on me and touching other girls inappropriately. He always denied it but my gut feeling told me that it’s true so i broke up with him. Also all the girls that were touched by him confirmed that he did it)

I love him dearly but sadly i don’t trust him much. I’m obsessed with checking when he’s being online, who he follows & who’s posts he likes. I always hurt my feelings cause i see him liking other girls pics and following a bunch of girls so i get super insecure. I also get really upset because i think he’s always texting and talking to other girls when in reality i want to be the only girl in his life.

I don’t want to get back with him if i won’t be able to trust him cause i know i’ll hurt him and i’ll hurt myself too because i get way too jealous. He’s also moving to another county and i have a feeling he’s going to get close to other girls and find someone else or have a new “best friend”.

Through out our relationship he always got close to a lot of girls and i never really said anything because I kept in all my jealousy but now it’s all coming out. I love him and i want to trust him and he always tells me how much he loves me but deep down, i really feel like he’s not faithful enough. Also a lot of times he’s online and not texting me. What do you think i should do? How can i trust him again? If i should at all. Thank you for any advice:)