💙My baby boy is finally here💙


So my due date was tomorrow, the 29th but my wonderful baby boy decided to come on the 23rd! I have 2 girls and I didnt make it as far with them. My first was 6 weeks premie and my second was born at 37 weeks. I tried everything to get labor started and he was just not having it. Daddy told him not to come until at least the 22nd so he would be a Gemini like daddy and big sister. Well he listened! I had cramps the day before and morning of,lower back pain and thought my water broke and had a small trickle so I decided to go in and and get checked at 10 the morning of the 23rd. 3 days before I was 3cm and was now 4cm and having small contractions. They almost sent me home because my contractions were so far apart but I had dilated to a 5 so I was taken to a room. I called my husband and he picked up our daughter from school and called grandma so she could watch the girls. 12 hours and one painful epidural later...

Kylin Lee Blain Sawyer was born at 10:01pm 7lbs 5oz and 22in long. He is such a perfect baby and we couldn't be more in love!!💙💙