problems with person (long)


hi all idk where to post this am i in the wrong for been mad... i live in the second floor apt and lately the lady from the bottom apt has been taking my kids stuff in the area i live there is a big place for kids to play so sometimes they are playing ball and it goes down stairs if the lady is out there she will take their stuff and won't give it back they are 8,7,5 and 3 yrs old my kids are not the only ones that play here its more little kids. yesterday my 5yr old was playing with a hat his dad gave him ( kids barely see dad so it was special for him) and it went downstairs the lady was outside and she took the hat, he went right away for it and it was gone as he was crying he then accidently bumped on her car and she yelled at him to get the fuck off her car as i'm pregnant rn i didn't told her anything cause if we try telling her something she wants to start arguing so ibtold my bf and he just said why will i fight over a hat but if it was the opposite (if it was something from his son i know he would fight for it) in this case what can i do about this happening all the time i don't even let my kids play downstairs its just that sometimes they throw the ball to hard and it will go down there.