He said what!?!

I’m 33 weeks pregnant, I have SPD and it literally feels like my pelvic bone is splitting anytime I move. This is my second baby.

So last week I was in an ill mood towards my husband. Because he doesn’t know how to pick up after himself. I get he works (12-9) but if my 3 year old can pick up his trash, pick up his toys.put his dirty dishes in the sink.. why can’t my husband at least Pick up after himself?

He told me “I’m about to to go to work, if I were in your shoes I wouldn’t be complaining”

I don’t mind cleaning.. lets get that clear. Let me give you an example..

Last night, I’ve cooked dinner, cleaned. I ask my husband to load the dishwasher on the rest of the dishes. I’m getting out the shower, I hear him with his attitude “yeah”

Fast forward this morning..

“Hey did you start the dishwasher last night?”

Him “no”

“What? Why didn’t you start it?!”

The damn nerve of this man...

“Well it’s not like you could you have loaded it”

I can barely bend without it feeling like my pelvic bone is splitting open. Why the hell cant he do anything helpful?!?

Like I don’t know.. instead of just grabbing what he needs out of the dryer and leaving the dryer door open and leaving.. maybe.. take the clothes out?!

Instead of just wiping our toddlers butt when he poops in potty seat (that’s rare for him anyways) actually clean the damn potty seat out too?!

Instead of leaving his console controllers around, his trash, his clothes.. maybe pick the shit up?

Then to come home, jump on his Xbox and say “oh I can’t wait for dinner, what’s for dinner?”

Tonight it’s frozen pizza cause after that bullshit this morning he’s got me fucked up. He can cook his own damn food. Forget a nice meal like he gets every damn night. (Then he acts like bragging about my food to his Xbox friends makes it better for me)

Only reason I’m cleaning is because I have morals, and I believe I should have a clean home for my 3 year old. And for respect out of the landlord.