Why does baby still cries every night around bedtime..?


Since couple weeks old to this day, no matter how, where, how long or what time she sleeps, before sleeping my baby cries somewhere between 5 to 30 mins every night🤦🏻‍♀️ You know how people judge others when they hear someone sleep trained their baby because they vision a poor alone baby left to cry, for us it is just another night because she is crying and there is nothing we can do. She cries harder if we stay next to her so we leave her to cry😔😔 It is like part of her sleep routine🧐She doesn’t cry for naps, and if she naps 3 times she only fusses/cries 5 to 10 mins at night which is not too bad. But if she doesn’t sleep the 3rd nap and gets over tired she cries 20 to 30 mins which breaks our hearts... That is the only time she cries though. She is super happy always smiling during the day, she develops just fine but God! I don’t know why she keeps crying every night..?