Sex is uncomfortable 😣🤷🏼‍♀️


So it’s almost been 3 months since I gave birth and sex is still uncomfortable and at first it’s a little painful but then once we start going it’s ok. Shouldn’t I be completely healed & pain/uncomfortable free already? I’ve talked with 2 different OBs & they have both checked me & said I was fine & healed already. I feel fine until I go to have sex so its make me not want to have it at all but it’s unfair to my fiancé. Plus I had episiotomy (which I had no idea that was being done until after it was done) and when my OB stitched me back up, now my perineum is covering half of my butthole (sorry for TMI) no pain when I use the bathroom but when you touch it, it does hurt.. not sure what’s going on. Has anyone gone through this? Should I go to different OB at different office? Or will this go away & is just taking longer to heal than usual? I don’t want to be like this forever & I’m scared my OB did something wrong...