18 months and A baby later


My ex and I were together for a year when I got pregnant. We didn’t plan a baby but both of us had wanted one, but wanted to wait until I was almost done college. When I told him I was pregnant the beginning of November he was excited, we had just gotten back together two weeks before after going on and off for three weeks due to another girl and distance. But once we found out we were going to be parents we were both over the moon. Things between us were better than ever... for a little while at least. Soon I started feeling alone and unhappy with the relationship, we started fighting all the time because all he wanted to do was go out with friends till all hours, skip school, do drugs, and I felt all alone in doing the work to become a parent and make a life for our child. He came to one ultrasound which was to see what we were having. Things got really good for about two weeks after that, the end of February I just couldn’t do it anymore, he had stolen money from me while pregnant as he had no job and still wasn’t looking for one, he still was going out until 4 am and still was doing drugs. We fought all the time till finally we ended things.

Three days later he tells me he’s with someone else and no longer loves me then blocks me on all social media. I text him saying it’s okay and I will take care of our daughter since he doesn’t seem to want to be around for anything more than the fun stuff in the first place, this is when we start arguing horribly, he demands a dna test which I said he could have, then says she probably isn’t even his child. The next day he apologizes and things go back and forth like that for about a month until finally we both blocked each other on all social media, change numbers, etc. after another month I have a friend message him in attempt to get my phone back which he has. He replies that I won’t get the phone back cause I’m a cheater, then says for her to tell me I can’t go for child support because he will not sign her birth certificate. I simply say we’ll settle things in court. After another 2 weeks, he messages me early one morning asking how I am, 3 days before this I had gotten a call from his mom that he had warrants for his arrest and was on the run. So I message him telling him to turn himself in, he says no, tells me he’s sorry for every, that he misses me and his daughter and wants to try to fix things to raise our daughter together. That afternoon he is picked up by the officers. After a week I get a letter saying the same things that he misses his daughter and I and wants to fix things. Then I find out he has been telling another girl the same things. He also says he thinks of her daughter as his own, after telling him he had to make a choice, he’s chosen her and still hasn’t mentioned wanting to see his daughter once but has made plans to go visit the girl and her daughter when he gets out.

So now he hasn’t been around for me for over 14 weeks, his daughter will be here anytime now. And I’ve stopped answering his letters. Am I wrong to hope not to hear from him at all once he gets out?