The Nicu, low supply, and major defeat :(


My babe came at 26 weeks, and I was told a million times by the nurses how important it was for her since she's a premie. I have worked so hard to try to establish a supply pumping every 2 to 3 hours around the clock. She went on a vent last week and so I haven't held her for about a week now, and since then everything dried up. I'm literally only getting a few mls per pump at this point. She is almost 4 weeks and getting donor milk and for some reason I can't stop trying. The odds were stacked against me, I had no energy reserve because I was in the hospital on bed rest for 5 weeks prior, no skin to skin, and she'll be in the Nicu for more weeks to come. I understand in my mind it makes no sense to try and keep pumping, I am exhausted and beyond stressed. But for some reason I just keep trying and I keep pumping my drops. It feels like it's the only thing I actually can do for her right now. And it kills me that I'm sucking at this, since pregnancy went so bad too. The lactation consultant came around a second time today to tell me again that my milk may never get established and that it's ok to give up I have done everything I can, but it hurts. I've been crying all day. So weird that this is even such a big deal to me. I'm stuck. Any advice to help a girl out? Damned if I do damned if I don't :/