
My boyfriends 2y/o son (3 in August) is with us for the summer. When he got here he was fully potty trained & had no accidents until 2 weeks of him being here. This past week he’s pissed himself SEVERAL times. Sometimes more than once a day. Yesterday we went to Kroger’s & he told us he had to pee, we took him to the restroom TWICE & he did not pee. As soon as we put him back in the buggy the second time he started to pee in the middle of Kroger’s. He’s pissed the bed 3 nights in a row. We’ve cut off drinks before bed & make him go pee before he gets into bed. I don’t want to send him back with his mom & it seem like he’s lost progress over here with us. What should we do?? Help please I’m tired of washing blankets daily 😞

Also when he has an accident my boyfriend babies him. Like hugs & holds him. This morning our 6AM alarm went off & his bed is dry (baby gets up with us) we always snooze the alarm the first time until 6:10. We get up at 6:10 & he peed on himself. We got him cleaned up & his dad starts holding him. Personally I don’t think we should do that. I’m not saying spank the kid, but I don’t think we should sit there and baby him immediately afterwards. My boyfriend always finds a way for it to be our faults that he had an accident. When we were at Kroger’s it was bc “the restrooms were dirty”, today it was because “it was cold in the house.” Am I being insensitive? I don’t have children of my own so I’ve never been through this. How do you enforce going pee in the potty?? I want him to know it’s not ok when he pees on himself, but he’s only a kid so I don’t want to be too rough on him.😞 WHAT DO I DO

UPDATE 5/30: He wet the bed again last night☹️