Taking painkillers while pregnant


So I suffer from swollen optic nerves which cause excruciating migraines and blurred vision and the only painkillers that took the edge off we’re ibuprofen. 1 gp told me to keep taking them today I had to ring my midwife for advice as I think I need another lumbar puncture done to release the pressure but I am unable to get a gp appointment for 3 weeks and I needed help in what route to go down. My midwife ripped me a new one and told me because I’ve been taking ibuprofen my baby’s going to have a heart problem and most likely a cleft palette I am beyond horrified, terrified and completely filled with guilt that I’ve potentially caused this. Has anyone else taken ibuprofen? Please I’m so lost on what to do I even thought about going to a&e; to get help but my midwife told me that was to drastic.