Bf is less attracted to me since I gained weight -did I handle this well?

Bf of 3 years. We try to keep things open and honest so when he admitted he's less attracted to me than when we 1st got together I thanked him for his honesty and said I appreciated that was probably hard to say. We got together when we were 18, I was kinda fit (~140 lb, not lean, not big, ya know kinda medium sized), he's always said he's been into a fit body type. I've been more active and eating better since then, gained maybe 5-10 lb in muscle.

So I told him I like how my body is now -I feel fucking great! -that I'm gonna gain/lose weight over the course of my life. I told him he needs to think long and hard about whether he can be in a long-term relationship with me or any other human if his attraction to them is that fragile, and that I'm gonna be thinking about whether I can be in a relationship with someone who's attraction to me is gonna be that dependent on my weight. I feel good about how I handled it. I said everything that was on my mind and I don't feel like I wimped out and just said what I thought he wanted to hear

Opinions??? 'Cause I worry imma look back on it years from now and think "Sis what are you doing?!" UPDATE: @mimi he listened to what I had to say, said he worries about me (i.e. about my health over the course of my lifetime, not just rn), said he hears what I'm saying and knows our bodies will change, said he understands why I'm upset and will try to be more sensetive. Only time will tell if he can really accept that I'm not gonna be this size forever. I'm just gonna be aware and if I find there's been no change, if I feel he's obsessed and tearing me down, he's gone. Recently he commented I felt lighter when he picked me up (which makes sense cause I've tryna be healthier and do what I can to avoid becoming too depressed while I'm looking for jobs post-grad) and I felt a little judged but I know he meant it as a compliment and could tell he was starting to reevaluate whether he shoulda said it. So I'm tryna find a middle ground b/w being too sensetive about the issue and being sensetive enough to recognize if there's a problem.