Would you say something?


So I’m not lead teacher so it isn’t my place to confront this girl but I just wanted to get opinions from everyone. Anyways I work at a church taking care of 1 to 2 year olds and summer care just started so more people have joined in. I’m not a regular staff member as I’m only here for the summer as well but I also fill in a lot when they need help. However there’s a girl who’s supposed to become the permanent extra member but she’s already annoyed everyone. First off this may sound mean but she’s a little annoying which isn’t that big of a deal but that’s not where the problem lies. She was basically in a way telling everyone else what to do when this is her first day, then she brought up the fact that her brother called someone a d@ck (totally not appropriate for church), and then the straw that broke the camels back is nap time. We went into the room and waited for her to change a diaper (she took a really long time for some reason) and then when she came back, she left the kid she was with (he has to be patted in order to fall asleep which she was told about beforehand) and she started opening and closing the door letting the light in and the kids kept sitting up because they’re used to it being super dark. She eventually closed it and sat near the door then told everyone that she was leaving so she could go get her lunch which was almost an hour ago and she has yet to return. Anyways the lead teacher was talking to the other girl wondering if she should wait it out or say something or go straight to our employer and I was just wondering what y’all would do in the situation.