Fussy baby. Help please

Danielle • Married to my best friend. Jason Tyler born 04-14-17 @ 2:48 am

My 1 year old son is fussy almost all the time. It’s the worse for a nap or bedtime he will just cry and cry until he will finally either fall asleep. I’ve tried the gripe water, and tylenol. I know the tylenol helps because after it kicks in he isn’t as fussy. I know his teething because I can see the teeth coming in but I can’t use baby oragel because it has been recalled and they are saying for baby’s not to use it and they are trying to get taken out of the stores. But I need some help with getting him to go to bed easier. My husband works 1st and has to be up at 3 am and our son is waking him up every night so he isn’t getting much sleep. His keeping me up until 1 or 130 in the morning fighting sleep. I just want to help my son get to sleep without have to cry for 30 minutes. And yes I’ve tried to rock him to sleep he won’t let me. And please no rude comments because I only want to help my son sleep easier. Picture of my handsome boy for attention