

So I have family members who are into eating healthy and working out. Not really a big deal.

My husband, I and our son are kind of the same!

Well the only difference is they like to only apply healthy living to themselves (her and her husband) not their kids. And it confuses the hell out of me.

Like why would you not want your kids to be healthy too? Anyway, so the kids live off of hot pockets, pizza, snack foods and processed basically everything. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them eat a fruit or vegetable in 11 years and I lived with them a combination of like 5 years.

so recently her 8 year old was told she had high cholesterol and that if she didn’t change her diet they would have to put an 8 YEAR OLD ON MEDS. Well the husband heard the news and threw all the processed foods away in the house. That lasted about 4-5 days before wifey comes in and realizes the kids aren’t eating and basically starving themselves because they aren’t getting what they want. Mind you one is 8 and one is 11. So wifey goes out and re-buys everything processed.

So I go over there today to hang out for a while and the 8 year old pulls out “breakfast” it’s a snickers flavored yogurt with snicker pieces in it. And I look at wifey confused because she is making her breakfast 🍳 like actual breakfast for one. While her child is eating this crap. She asked me what were the kids supposed to eat. And I’m like idk? Be a mom and cook. You do it for yourself why not them too??

I ask the 8 year old why she is eating this knowing she has high cholesterol (she is super smart and understands the consequences) she tells me that it’s just yogurt, I explained to her that unfortunately it’s not healthy and blah blah blah and even with all that even if she didn’t have high cholesterol weight gain is a thing too, we read the back of the ingredients list and look at the amount of cholesterol and sugar etc. To which her mom then tells me “we shouldn’t talk to the kids like that. It’s not a kid conversation.”

Like what??

Then walks in the 11 year old who she lets eat anything because when he was 5 the pediatrician told her he could eat what he wanted because he was too skinny... 6 years ago. He jokes me and tells me he is skinny and he lives off hot pockets and bbq chips and tea. (Never seen him drink water) and that he is okay with that to which his mom laughs. She makes a remark about his weight and how skinny he is, I literally laugh because he has gained so much weight around his hips and belly. I’m getting annoyed at this point and I’m just sitting there like

Wifey eats her healthy breakfast while the kids eat crap and I just sit there. So confused and disgusted because husband is a personal trainer/ paramedic. Wife used to work in the medical field and they both lay into other family members for their terrible lifestyle choices. They don’t eat meat, take 120 vitamins a day, work out twice a day and are constantly active so it annoys the fuck out of me seeing them allow their children to basically get diabetes or have a heat attack by 40 and not help their kids prepare for the future but yet shit on everyone else for them eating they way they do. And then get mad at me for informing their children that this lifestyle is unhealthy af. Like am I overreacting? I feel like it. But still. Just. Eghhh.