So I’ve been nannying twins...

Originally I was getting a nanny job to help decrease my baby fever but god it made baby fever increase tenfold.

These twin boys are 1 1/2yrs old and man oh man they’re a handful. I’ve had to clean so many dirty diapers, muddy bodies, sticky bodies, sandy bodies, poopy bodies... had to take care of them when they were sick with a cold and when they were cranky about teeth coming in.. I come home and complain to my husband how gross it was or how stressful/exhausting it was, and he’d ask me if it changes my mind on children (since were TTC) and I’ve really thought about it... honestly it has given me a new found respect for parents. It’s hard af to be a parent. Especially to multiple kids... it’s hard and exhausting. I constantly ask myself “how in the world does the parents do this 24/7” but then I look in the kids eyes and go “oh”. I realized parenthood is absolutely beautiful. Yeah it’s exhausting and stressful but it’s so beautiful and amazing... Since this nanny job, I’ve been more ready to have a kid than anything just because I’ve figured out my parenting style and everything. I know I have a lot to learn still but man.. I can’t wait to be a parent of my own..

Btw I know it’s entirely different when it’s your own child but nannying kids does give you an idea and a general knowledge of what it’ll be like. I’m not trying to say “oh I’ve experienced parenthood” cuz i know I havent.. it’s mostly that I found a new respect for parenthood that I didn’t have before and that I can’t wait to learn more when I have my first... (hopefully this is the month! 🤞🏼👶🏼)