Opinions please

Today while driving home, I had a panic attack, I’m not sure what triggered it but for anyone who hasn’t had a panic attack, it feels like you are going to die, you can’t breathe, your whole face/legs/arms and hands are numb, I thought I was having a stroke or a heart attack. So I get home and I’m evaluating if I need medical attention or if I can take a pill and calm myself down. My boyfriend currently has a broken arm that’s still healing from February, and is sick with a cold today. I told him I felt scared and was panicking, which I’m sure my face showed how scared I was feeling. So I go lay down and he asks if I need anything and I can currently hear him snoring. The lack of empathy is completely blowing my mind.

I’m still feeling very on edge, so if you have any feedback please be kind. If you want to side eye emoji me or act confused because he asked if you needed anything, I honestly don’t want your feedback.