af due tomorrow...

B • Never let anyone make you feel like you're not good enough...

af is due tomorrow. I have had none of the normal symptoms of her coming around like I normally do. I have taken umpteen pregnancy tests and while I think I can see the start of something, others can't see what I'm seeing. I am just gonna call it what it is...and that a line eyes. I wanted it to happen so badly.

fortunately, my hubby will still be in town in June for us to try one more time before he leaves for 6 months.

I've never tried testing before a missed period before but it has literally driven me insane. I am going to give it up for this month and say I have not fallen pregnant. I have no symptoms of anything. this 2ww has been a roller coaster of emotions and eye trickery.

and now I'm also sick.

to all you ladies still in the running for this month good luck and baby dust!