Toddler Tantrum? Meltdown? Or something else?

Get this - my toddler (27 months) is happily playing outside with the water coming out of the garden hose outside. He suddenly says “turn off”. So my husband goes down the steps across the yard to turn it off. Then it turns off and my son yells “TURN ON!!” Angrily. Then my husband turns it back on.Getting more angry and frustrated my son screams “hose OFF!!” - and now he is starting to cry. Then my husband says “how do you ask nicely?” My son says “HOSE OFF PLEASE!” Now crying louder he begs to have the hose back on. anyway,this situation escalates extremely rapidly and eventually you just can’t please the toddler at all - crying for the hose ON and crying for the hose OFF. Equally mad about both. Screaming and crying as if frustrated. But there is nothing we can do to please him. And if you abandon the situation altogether then he sobs and screams hard. This also happens randomly sometimes with other things like when he wants to hold a ballon (crying) but when you give it to him he wants you to take it away (crying) but when you do take it away he instantly wants it back. what is this!!?????