Line eye??? Or....

Miranda • Mom🐱🐱👦🏼/wife👪🤱🤰baby number two on the way

Dollar tree cheapie. Will mostly likely retest tomorrow morning with a Walmart cheapie...

Nervous to get a negative test:( just took one cause I and having the following symptoms lately.




On and off heartburn

Food aversion huge.


And diarrhea.

I can’t say if I have swollen boobs or not because they are always sore from breast feedings

I also can’t say that frequent urination is a symptom either cause I already pee a lot, how ever I have been super thirsty lately and thought maybe it was just from the heat.

I am also still breast feeding my son so I haven’t gotten my first postpartum period yet. He will be 14m on the 5th.

If I did conceive it would have either been may 14th or may 21st making me 4w1d or 3w1d