Venting Disappointment


This is our 9th month actively trying to get pregnant. OPKs, timing BD around ovulation, tried every other say during fertile week, focused one the 3 days around ovlation, BD 3 days before ovulation, and I just started temping this past cycle.

According to both Glow and FF, I may have luteal phase defect (luteal phase varies between 9-13 days, avg 11, according to OPK predictions) so I upgraded my prenatal to one that includes vitamins B12 and B6 as I have read they may help with the progesterone production (? I don't know, I'm trying everything).

I read articles (damn near) HOURLY about fertility and TTC and I just can't believe that infertility may be affecting me. I am an anomaly, as nobody in my family has had fertility struggles (my mom even has a tilted uterus and got pregnant within 3 months both me and my brother).

I want to be a mother more than anything in the world. I have an indescribable need to carry my own child, feel the growth and development, experience child birth. I am all for adoption if that is the route life takes us, but I am terrified of having a nagging in the back of my mind regretting not experiencing pregnancy IF that is what happens.

The thought terrifies and depresses me to no end...