Getting out of 3 year relationship


Hi ladies,

I could use some advice. I’ve been in a relationship for 3 years and I think it needs to end. We are not engaged or married. I’ve tried to do everything I can to make this relationship work but now I’m just exhausted and depressed. I just don’t think he’s the guy for me anymore. We have been trying to conceive, I have some fertility issues but I feel like it’s not working because we are just not meant to be. Now I’m in a difficult situation, I want SO badly to have a baby of my own but now I’m looking to end my relationship and that means starting all over and putting Ttc on hold. I’m scared, depressed and lonely. This relationship has isolated me from my friends and it’s starting to isolate me from my family. How should I end this relationship? I’m afraid that if I end it with him I might lose my chance to have a baby. I pretty much know the answer, I’m just scared and tired of struggling all the time and a break up is not something I’m prepared to deal with- at this point it might be vital to my mental and physical health. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. 🙏